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Reflections: How does it feel?

Art by Belen Islas

Art by Belen Islas


“Reflections: How Does It Feel” was a community-driven art project that culminated in a 16-page printed color zine and two free public performances at two locations in LA County, co-produced by LA River Arts and Artist Partner Nancy Lynée Woo, with directorial support from Ann Wellman of Long Beach Community Theater. This activity was funded in part by the California Arts Council, a state agency, with administrative support from the Arts Council for Long Beach. We thank our indigenous brothers and sisters for their past, present, and future caretaking of the river and the land. May we work in community with each other and nature to heal ourselves and the air, lands, waters and extended family of living beings that sustain us.


River Sessions

As a part of the Creative Corps programming, Nancy Woo led three river sessions as the LARA Lead Artist from January to March 2024:


January 28 - Poetry and Ecology:

DeForest Park and Wetlands, Long Beach, CA - in partnership with naturalist guide Kathryn Dressendorfer from Surfrider Foundation

Participants gathered at the park and walked as a group along the trail, including up to the river, stopping along the way to learn about native ecosystems from Kathryn Dressendorfer and write poetry in response to prompts provided by Nancy, with time to share at the end.


February 24 - Poetry on the River:

Lewis MacAdams Riverfront Park to Taylor Yard Bridge, Los Angeles, CA - in partnership with Mike the Poet

Participants walked from the Lewis MacAdams statue to the Taylor Yard Bridge, stopping along the way to hear poetry from Mike the Poet and learn about the history of the LA River. At the bridge, Nancy gave a writing prompt, with time to write and share.


 March 23 - Printmaking:

Angels Gate Cultural Center - in partnership with Ann Wellman of Long Beach Community Theater

Participants met at the art gallery and were led through interactive relationship-building activities by Ann Wellman, with time to enjoy the gallery exhibits. Then, Nancy led a printmaking activity for attendees to create their own artwork.


THANK YOU to everyone who submitted your work - and all the RIVER SESSIONS participants who came to our sessions with Nancy Woo, Khayra Mentado, and Ann Wellman January - April 2024!


Reflections Performances

In April, we put out an Artist Call to the Southern California creative community to submit work for the zine and performance. From those submissions, we featured 17 performing artists in the performances and 30 writers and artists in the zine.

Selected performers, including poets, storytellers, musicians, and dancers, met for two rehearsals at the Billie Jean King Main Library in Long Beach, California, facilitated and directed by Ann Wellman. Final performances took place at two locations in June:


June 22nd, 2024 6-8pm Richard Lillard Outdoor Classroom on the Studio City Greenway

This event was produced in partnership with 11:11 Creative as a part of the SFV Daylighting Festival.


June 29th, 2024 2-4pm Billie Jean King Library, Long Beach

This event was produced in partnership with the Billie Jean King Main Library


Reflections Zine

This 16-page color zine features 30 local Los Angeles writers and artists sharing their reflections on the LA River.